Ancestor Money Ritual to get rich

Ancestor Money Ritual to Get Rich

In many spiritual traditions, ancestors are considered powerful guides who can influence our lives in meaningful ways, including our financial success. An ancestor money ritual is a practice where people honor their ancestors by burning symbolic currency (known as ancestor money) to seek blessings, protection, and abundance. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can perform an ancestor money ritual to attract wealth and transform your financial situation.

What Is Ancestor Money?

Ancestor money, also known as Joss paper or spirit money, is symbolic currency used in certain cultures, particularly in Chinese and African spiritual practices, to honor deceased loved ones. The belief is that burning ancestor money allows it to reach the spirit world, providing financial comfort for ancestors and, in return, they bless their living descendants with wealth and prosperity.

The idea behind this practice is that by providing for your ancestors in the afterlife, you create a spiritual connection that brings their blessings into your life. This reciprocal exchange is said to attract wealth, protection, and good fortune.

How the Ancestor Money Ritual Works

The ancestor money ritual works by strengthening your relationship with your ancestors and asking for their guidance and assistance in matters of wealth. When you burn the money, it’s seen as a direct offering to your ancestors, showing that you acknowledge and honor their legacy. In return, they are believed to help you by removing obstacles and sending financial opportunities your way.

By opening up this channel of communication with your ancestors, you invite their wisdom and blessings into your life, creating a pathway for wealth to flow more easily.

The Connection Between Ancestors and Wealth

In many cultures, ancestors are seen as protectors who can influence various aspects of life, including finances. They are thought to hold the key to certain generational blessings, wisdom, and power. When you honor your ancestors through rituals like burning ancestor money, you are essentially asking them to support you in your financial journey, whether it’s through new opportunities, improved business success, or overall prosperity.

Your ancestors are believed to want you to thrive because your success reflects well on the family’s lineage. Through these rituals, you can unlock their guidance and support to help you create lasting wealth.

How Can Ancestor Money Rituals Help You Get Rich?

When you perform an ancestor money ritual, you are creating a spiritual connection with your ancestors and asking for their guidance and support in attracting wealth and abundance into your life. By burning ancestor money as an offering, you are symbolically sending prosperity and financial blessings to your ancestors, who in turn can help bring that energy back into your life.

Benefits of Ancestor Money Ritual in Our Daily life

Attract financial opportunities

Remove financial blockages

Increase abundance and prosperity

Bring good luck and success

Protection from Financial Harm influneces like evil spirits, demons, evil eyes

Debt Relief

If you are struggling with debt, ancestral money rituals can help alleviate financial burdens and create opportunities for you to become debt-free.

Business Success

If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, ancestral money rituals can help attract success and prosperity to your ventures, increasing your chances of achieving business growth and prosperity.

Financial Stability

The energy and blessings of your ancestors can help bring financial stability into your life, ensuring that you have enough resources to support yourself and your loved ones.

Generational Wealth

By honoring your ancestors and seeking their guidance, you can start building a foundation of generational wealth that can benefit not only you but also your descendants.

Clearing Financial Karma

Another benefit of the ancestor money ritual is that it helps clear ancestral financial karma. If your family has experienced patterns of debt, poverty, or financial struggle, this ritual can serve to heal those generational wounds. By offering ancestor money, you are symbolically paying off debts that may have been carried down through the generations, allowing you to break free from cycles of financial hardship.

Enhancing Spiritual Protection

Performing an ancestor money ritual also enhances your spiritual protection. Ancestors are often seen as protectors who watch over their living descendants. By regularly offering ancestor money, you ensure that your ancestors are attentive to your well-being, shielding you from negative influences and bad luck in your daily life. This sense of spiritual protection can help you feel more confident as you navigate financial decisions and challenges.

Preparing for an Ancestor Money Ritual

Before performing an ancestor money ritual, it’s essential to prepare yourself and your space. Here’s how to get started:

Set Your Intention

Clearly define what you want to achieve with the ritual. Are you looking to remove financial blockages? Attract new wealth opportunities? Be specific about your desires and the amount of wealth you’re aiming for.

Create a Sacred Space

Choose a calm and peaceful area in your home where you can set up a small altar or table. This space should be clean and quiet, free from distractions.

Gather the Necessary Items

Ancestor money: You can find ancestor money (also called Joss paper) online or in spiritual shops.

Candles: Light a white or gold candle to represent purity and wealth.

Incense: Burning incense like sage, frankincense, or sandalwood helps cleanse the space and invite spiritual presence.

A photo or token of your ancestors: If you have photos of deceased loved ones, place them on the altar to strengthen your connection.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing an Ancestor Money Ritual

Cleanse the Space

Light the incense and use the smoke to cleanse the area where you’ll be performing the ritual. Walk around the space, allowing the smoke to purify it.

Light the Candle

Place the candle on your altar or table and light it, symbolizing the presence of spiritual energy and light.

Address Your Ancestors

Take a moment to silently or verbally call on your ancestors. Thank them for their guidance and protection, and let them know you are making an offering to honor them.

Burn the Ancestor Money

Take a piece of ancestor money and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize your financial goals—imagine the wealth you need flowing into your life. Then say something like:

“I honor my ancestors with this offering. May you receive this with love, and may your blessings flow to me in abundance. I ask for your guidance in financial success and prosperity.”

Light the ancestor money from the candle flame and let it burn in a fire-safe dish or bowl until it turns to ash.

Offer Gratitude

After burning the money, offer a prayer of thanks to your ancestors. Express gratitude for their continued presence and support in your life.

Close the Ritual

Let the candle burn down naturally, or if you need to extinguish it, do so respectfully. Keep any ashes from the burnt ancestor money in a safe place, or scatter them outside to symbolize releasing the energy into the universe.

How Often Should You Perform the Ancestor Money Ritual?

You can perform the ancestor money ritual as often as you like, depending on your needs and goals. Many people do it on special occasions, such as during the new moon, full moon, or on dates significant to their family, like anniversaries or birthdays of passed loved ones.

For best results, consider seeking help from dr. baba chibu  to maintain a strong connection with your ancestors and keep the energy of abundance flowing.

Enhancing the Power of Your Ritual with Prayers and Offerings

In addition to burning ancestor money, you can enhance the ritual with other offerings like food, water, or favorite items of your ancestors. These offerings further strengthen the bond and show reverence for their support. You can also say specific prayers asking for financial guidance and protection.

“Beloved ancestors, I offer this in your honor. Guide me toward wealth and success. Clear my path of financial obstacles and allow abundance to flow freely into my life. Thank you for your wisdom and blessings.”

Using Ancestor Money for Specific Financial Goals

You can tailor the ancestor money ritual to address specific financial goals. Whether you’re seeking relief from debt, aiming to start a new business, or hoping for a promotion, set your intention clearly during the ritual. Visualize the exact outcome you want, and ask your ancestors to help bring it into your life.

Crystals, Herbs, and Oils to Amplify Your Ancestor Money Ritual

To make your ritual even more powerful, incorporate crystals, herbs, and oils known for attracting wealth and enhancing ancestral communication.


Black Tourmaline: Protects against negative energy and helps connect with ancestors.

Citrine: Attracts wealth and success.

Amethyst: Enhances spiritual connection and clarity.


Sage: For purification and spiritual connection.

Bay Leaves: Known for attracting prosperity when written with intentions and burned.

Rosemary: Promotes abundance and spiritual clarity.


Frankincense: Boosts spiritual energy and connection with ancestors.

Patchouli: Attracts wealth and abundance.

Lavender: For calm and protection during the ritual.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During an Ancestor Money Ritual

Being unclear in your intentions: Be specific about what you want. Vague wishes can lead to unclear results.

Rushing through the ritual: Take your time and be respectful. Rushing may weaken the connection with your ancestors.

Ignoring consistency: It’s important to maintain a regular practice. The more you honor your ancestors, the stronger your bond will become.

Signs Your Ancestor Money Ritual Is Working

After performing the ritual, you may start to notice subtle signs that wealth and abundance are on their way. These signs can include unexpected financial gains, new job opportunities, or feelings of peace and protection around money matters.

Seek Expert Help

Are you tired of struggling to make ends meet? Are you looking for a way to attract wealth and abundance into your life? Look no further than Baba Chibu, a renowned spiritual healer and expert in ancestral money rituals. By seeking help from Baba Chibu, you can tap into the power of your ancestors to manifest financial success and prosperity in your life like never before. Contact Dr. Baba Chibu via Whatsapp at +256755027822 or email at [email protected] to start your journey towards financial freedom today.


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