Spell to Remove the Other Woman from Your Relationship

Separate him from the other woman

Are you dealing with a situation where another woman is causing trouble in your relationship? Are you looking for a way to remove her influence and restore harmony in your love life? If so, you may be interested in a spell to remove the other woman from your relationship. In this article, we will discuss how such a spell can help you in this challenging situation.

How Does the Spell Work?

The spell to remove the other woman from your relationship is a powerful tool that can help you break free from negative influences and restore balance in your love life. This spell works by harnessing the energy of the universe to create a protective barrier around you and your partner, effectively blocking out any interference from the other woman.

What Ingredients are Needed?

To perform this spell, you will need a few simple ingredients that can be easily found at any metaphysical store or online. Some common ingredients include:

  • White candle
  • Salt
  • Rosemary
  • Red ribbon
  • Clear quartz crystal
  • Her names
  • Her picture

How to Perform the Spell

Begin by lighting the white candle and placing it in front of you.

Sprinkle a circle of salt around the candle to create a protective barrier.

Take the rosemary and sprinkle it around the candle in a clockwise motion.

Take the red ribbon and tie it around the clear quartz crystal while visualizing a protective shield forming around you and your partner.

Recite the following incantation:
“I call upon the power of the universe,
To remove the other woman’s curse.
Protect my relationship from harm,
Let love and harmony be the norm.”

Visualize the other woman’s influence being banished from your relationship as you continue to focus on the candle flame.

Once you feel the spell has taken effect, extinguish the candle and bury the crystal in your yard to seal the spell.


if you are struggling with a situation where another woman is causing trouble in your relationship, a spell to remove her influence may be just what you need. By harnessing the power of the universe and focusing your intention, you can create a protective barrier around you and your partner, effectively banishing the other woman from your lives. Remember to perform this spell with positive intentions and an open heart, and you may just find that the harmony and love in your relationship are restored.









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